Coloradokillerscom Brings The Dark Side of Colorado to One Place
Released on: July 20, 2008, 8:39 am
Press Release Author: Don Rainwater
Industry: Entertainment
Press Release Summary: The books and movies are out there and now if you are interested in the dark side of Colorado, a new website brings all the stories to one place.
Press Release Body:
Colorado is a beautiful state that has captured the imagination and the spirit of its people. It is rich in history and has a reputation of capturing the best and the worst in its citizens. That history is also tainted with murder, massacre, and other dark deeds that seem to be more publicized in Colorado than the other states in the Union.
Most people know the stories of Baby Doe, the Sand Creek Massacre, and the Ludlow Massacre. Many know of Ted Bundy's visit to the state and the horrible atrocities he perpetrated there. Everybody is aware of Columbine and Jon Benet Ramsey
The books and movies are out there and now if you are interested in the dark side of Colorado, a new website brings all the stories to one place. brings together a collection of books covering all the sinister history of Colorado. From Bundy to Ramsey to Columbine, if it has been written about, you will find the books for sale at the lowest price on the internet.
There is also a fine collection of DVDs that feature only serial killers. No more searching site after site for a movie on Dahmer, Gacy, Gein, or Bundy. is a one stop shopping 'spree' for those who love the macabre.
For those who love the state of Colorado, but prefer lighter reading, the site provides every book imaginable that is about Colorado's history, people, and landscape. If the book has the name Colorado in it, it is available at the lowest price anywhere.
Visit today and check out the dark side of Colorado history.
Web Site:
Contact Details: Don Rainwater 724 E. Loucks Sheridan Wy 82801
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